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You can find Legal Kitz at:
You can find Lux Whitsundays at:
Show Notes:
2:40 What are the businesses you are involved with at the moment?
4:50 How do you manage your time?
5:55 Where did you grow up?
11:40 When did you first experience culture shock?
14:50 How did you cope with moving schools and countries constantly?
17:25 When you moved around did you try to fit in or were you happy to stand out?
19:40 How did your childhood contribute to who you are today?
23:05 Did you enjoy academia at school?
25:10 When did you start thinking about your career?
27:25 Where did you go after school?
29:15 How was university for you?
31:05 How did you view working in a large law firm when you were at university?
32:30 What did you learn at our first job?
35:30 How confident were you getting jobs at a young age?
37:00 What skills did you feel you had back at the start of your career? And what skills took longer to build?
50:35 What made you change your mind on working at a Law Firm?
51:20 Can you speak about the impact working long hours had on your health?
52:40 When did you notice that your health was taking a hit?
57:40 How did you recover after you were in an ambulance?
58:55 How long until you started Business Kitz?
1:03:45 What was your first client?
1:06:30 How did you grow Business Kitz in the beginning?
1:07:55 Do you remember the first time you thought to yourself, what have I got myself in for?
1:10:00 What made you start Lux Whitsundays?
1:15:10 What made you start Legal Kitz?
1:18:20 When you make decisions do you consult others?
1:22:45 How did Covid affect you?
1:25:10 What is the vision for Business Kitz moving forward?
1:27:55 Who needs Business Kitz?
1:29:00 What advice would you give up and coming entrepreneurs?
Resources, and Companies Mentioned: