Sally is a voice coach who helps people realise their best voice and embrace public speaking with confidence. She’s a former TV news reporter, company spokesperson, and speech and drama teacher.
Sally has her own podcast called That Voice Podcast and enjoys making comedy TikToks, like reading song lyrics like a news report.
We were able to cover a lot in this episode as Sally was very open and generous with her story.
We talk about:
– How she built such a large following on TikTok and what that has done for her personally.
– How to deal with negativity when you have such a large following
– What holds people back when they aren’t utilising their voice properly and how to overcome this
– Her experience building her business and what she would say to others thinking about building their own business
– What her best experiences in business have been
– Some of the biggest challenges in her career
– And even what her biggest on-air blunder was. It’s quite a funny story.
Enjoy the episode. Sally is a great person and was a pleasure to talk to.
You can find Sally at:Linkedin
Sally’s Website:Website
Show Notes:
2:20 What made you get on TikTok?
3:45 How long does it take you to do a TikTok video?
4:45 Do you think your business is suited to the TikTok platform?
5:10 Why don’t people like their voice?
8:15 What are the reasons people don’t use their voice well?
9:50 Is there something in someone’s past that will hold someone back from using their voice properly?
11:00 Will speaking about past challenges help someone with their voice?
11:30 Have you always liked your voice?
12:50 Do you remember what motivated you to get into drama when you were young?
13:30 Can you speak about the impact your drama teacher had on you?
16:15 You talk about a very formative event when you were young?
18:30 What came after high school?
19:15 So why did you not pursue law?
19:55 What was your first job?
21:20 What made you move to Queensland?
22:00 You started another studio when you moved Queensland, how did that go?
23:20 What is your most interesting story working in radio?
25:40 How was your first job in TV?
28:15 How did you deal with approaching burnout?
31:40 Can you remember why you moved on from your job in TV?
33:50 Did you have any strange experiences with Door To Door Sales?
35:15 Do you trust your gut?
37:30 How did you get a job in Brisbane?
40:45 How is PR different from Journalism?
44:35 Why move into self-employment?
46:20 How were the first 2 months of Self Employment?
47:15 How did you grow your business so fast?
48:05 What was your experience like when you went viral on TikTok?
51:25 How have you reacted to negativity online?
53:00 How would you advise someone to deal with negativity online?
56:20 Do you think releasing content is a good way to build your confidence?
59:30 What do you start with when you teach people?
1:01:10 Can you take us through a significant experience you had in Melbourne?
1:03:30 Have you enjoyed mentoring others?
1:05:20 What are your goals looking into the future?
1:08:15 What would you say to yourself when you started your business?