Interview with Dan Scougall

Buying a Business at 22, Rejecting Luck, and Walking a Mile In Someone Else’s Shoes with Dan Scougall, Founder of Next Level Taxation

Today our guest is Dan Scougall who owns Next Level Taxation, an Accounting Firm North of Brisbane.Dan is a registered tax agent and self managed superfund auditor who specialises in Small Business and Self Managed Superannuation. He also operates a small cattle farm with his parents, and has an avid interest in property development.

What was unique about Dan’s story that we cover today is that he has spent most of his career as a business owner and owned his first business at the age of 22. He shares the challenges and highs that came from that and how such an opportunity arose in the first place, one of those challenges was having to manage people much older than he was.

A few parts of this episode get quite raw. Dan talks us through watching his parents go through hardships with their business while he was growing up, dealing with burnout and what that looks like, how he made the decision to sell his first business, and how important he believes it is to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes before passing judgement.

Dan is exactly what this podcast is about. Gritty stories of resilience and perseverance when faced with difficult situations.

You can find Dan at:Linkedin


Show Notes:

3:15 How long have you spent as a business owner vs being an employee?

4:30 Did you always plan to be a business owner?

7:25 What hardships did you see your parents go through as your parents grew up?

12:50 Did it cross your mind that you couldn’t run your business when you were 22?

14:15 How did you manage people much older than you?

19:00 How would you describe the 10 years in business?

21:15 What did burnout look like for you?

26:25 Would you do something different when it comes to selling your business?

28:35 How simple was it easy for you to sell your business?

35:20 What did you do once you sold your business?

41:45 Why do you dislike the term luck?

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